On a whim, not terribly long ago, we let the road take us north ... with a hint of east in it, at near midnight one night.
We stayed on this heading until we reached Little Rock, the capitol of Arkansas. We'd never been there before. And because there were no plans made prior to this trip, we'd no idea what to do there.
Had we been better prepared, I'm sure we could have enjoyed more of Little Rock's finer points. Though lacking the time to do research, we stumbled around until finding this wonderful place:
Puzzled by the name and lack of information on the outside of the building, unlike most of the touristy shops on the road leading to this place, there was no choice but to take a peek. I asked the greeter what the purpose of Heifer Village was, then almost instantly remembered seeing Susan Sarandon on a late night talk show speaking about the program.
Heifer International is a charitable organization aimed at ending world hunger through education. Curious about it? Visit www.heifer.org. It's a cool thing.
I must say, it's one of the best spots we found in Little Rock.
Our trip to Arkansas would not be complete without a quick stop at Hot Springs.
Whilst there, we climbed, hiked and got rained on. It was lovely.
Always the disturbing thing about Hot Springs, at least to me, is the deceiving water fountains decorating the city. They dance beautifully and tempt a hot person to refresh themselves in their waters. But watch out! The water is scalding hot!!
Not nice. Just, not nice.