Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Recluse's Corner

Becoming a recluse was not easy. It took years of struggling to fit in and simply not. Though being a recluse means living in a solitary way, I'm convinced a person can be married and still achieve this state of being and do so happily.


Luc Arrabal said...

recluse in the block, in the street in everywhere, everyplace is a reclusive place if you think you are inside the the think. Yo are always inside the thing, sometimes you are in. Also
nice blogg

StarCat70 said...

Your comments are appreciated. I am new to the blogs and will certainly enjoy the experience of perusing the thoughts of others, along with sharing in thoughts of my own.

Anonymous said...

It seems sad to me that the recluse has no one to share their dreams with