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: ) Yes, it's been a while. It's this business with getting a kiddo ready for school that has kept me busy. Well, that and the 10 month old walking around everywhere ... and not to mention the newest addition that is due to arrive later this year! Not sure if I'd told you about that. I'm still in shock, that's probably why I've not said much about it. ha! Take care up there! ~~^*^
I love what you've done with color saturations.
Hope the kiddos are giving you some sleep.
miss you!
Where are you at?!? Please post some more. I miss you!
how long must I go without a new post? I miss you.
: ) Yes, it's been a while. It's this business with getting a kiddo ready for school that has kept me busy. Well, that and the 10 month old walking around everywhere ... and not to mention the newest addition that is due to arrive later this year! Not sure if I'd told you about that. I'm still in shock, that's probably why I've not said much about it. ha!
Take care up there!
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