Friday, August 21, 2015

Road Trip | My Hometown Chickasha, Oklahoma | Aug. 15-16, 2015

Summer is nearing its end.  This particular summer flew by very quickly.  I've yet to put my finger on the exact why that is.  Even so, there is only one thing to do to help prepare ourselves for summer's passing into fall.


This particular journey took us from Allen, Texas to Chickasha, Oklahoma.  In the video, you'll see the changing terrain along the way and parts of my hometown of Chickasha.  It goes by fast!  But that's kind of how the whole trip actually was.  I hope to explore more the next time we are there.

As we go along, I mention a few interesting things about the area.  Of course, there is loads more to know about the area.  That'll be another video.  In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this one.  (^.^)v  

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