Wednesday, March 05, 2008

cry me a river...of chocolate!

It's confirmed.

I do have an excuse for having my priorities out of whack. :o)
This is a breakthrough!

In an article found on Medical News Today, the link between poor spending habits and sadness is explored. To see the article, click here.

This might explain why people who have less and feel stressed, tend to spend what they do have on somewhat frivolous items. :oD


Anonymous said...

Ummm, I'm not a doctor, but i pretend to be one on the internet, and it is my opinion that perhaps the purchase of material items could be an attempt to fill an emotional void in the spirit of the person. Something which obviously cannot succeed, since happiness comes from within, not without...
Someone was talking about the poor people in the carribean, singing happily as they went about their chores... so, wake up and be happy, it is a choice you make every day. :)

Anonymous said...

And here I was thinking that you were getting ready to spring on us the joy of another pregnancy.

Though I do admit that Chocolate is a close second...

StarCat70 said...

wouldn't that have been somethin'?
unfortunately, no more little ones in my future...