Friday, October 31, 2008

all hallows eve

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays. The kiddos seem to love it, too.

Last night, one of the best treats came in the form of a Halloween concert and dance given by our daughter's middle school. I pulled out the ol' Nikon Coolpix P5100 for this occasion. Not only was I able to snap some pics of Daughter's cool costume, I got some cute vids with the P5100 as well. My Nikon D80 just can't do that.

Yes, the Coolpix P5100 is itty bitty, no doubt. The feel of the D80 was missed. But when the littlest daughter broke out her dance moves, it was all too easy to get a quick vid of the action with my tiny little camera. Gotta love it!

Me thinks it is best to have a good compact digital camera, along with, a good digital SLR. It's much more versatile and fun that way.

I should sleep now...
There's trick-or-treating to be done tonight!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

to the left, to the left...

Turn off background music HERE, then come back up.

There's a blog in the LA Times I came across today, written by a Republican. It is about Hollywood conservatives, their possible leanings toward Obama for president, and the reasoning behind it.

The full article can be found HERE.

While my own leanings tend to veer a bit to the left, I do not vote blindly. And though I don't care much what Hollywood has to say about politics (the shrieks from both sides I find annoying), points made in the blog made some sense.

It does seem true, McCain and Obama are both divisive in a sense. McCain's warfare, cultural. Obama's warfare, class. The differences amongst people are now magnified. Can our next president pull it together?

There was a time, I believed McCain to be honorable and a fairly decent choice for president. So, I wasn't worried much if he'd be elected. That changed. Dramatically. Now, I'm terrified he could win the election. The Palin pick was just the beginning. The erratic, almost hateful, manner in which McCain has been running his campaign, validates my concern.

A discussion earlier this month on CNN:

Thank you crown416 for sharing this vid.

At this point, Obama's temperament and overall organization seem to win, despite how some feel about taxes and the social issues.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Barack Obama: Closing Argument

Turn off background music HERE, then come back up.

Thank you BarackObamadotcomfor this vid.

One week. Vote.

Monday, October 27, 2008

harajuku girl

This is my Harajuku girl.

I love her style.

In our town, we still see the emo style quite a bit. Rarely, if ever, do we see Harajuku.

Me thinks its popularity will rise. Already, the kids are asking my daughter about it. Who knows, perhaps she'll start a trend.

It is said, Gwen Stefani helped to popularize Harajuku fashion here in the U.S. with her "Harajuku Girls" entourage. Though, I'm fairly certain my kiddo chose the interesting togs out of admiration for the culture of Japanese youth.

In any case, just knowing she's having a good time with it, makes me smile.

Friday, October 24, 2008

early voter

To turn off background music click HERE, then come back up.

The presidential election is fast approaching. I'm planning to cast my vote early.

I'm pretty sure my vote here in Texas will matter little, due to the set-up of the Electoral College. Still, it's the principle of the thing.

Come to think of it, it may be wishful thinking that anyone's vote really matters.
The following vid about exposed vote-rigging is old news, yet we can hope history isn't repeated.

Unfortunately, there may already be vote-fraud afoot.

red shoes

Thank you nellie4real for sharing this image.

Tonight, I'm up late.

Okay, I'm always up late.

As I type this, I'm glancing from time to time at the television. A 1948 film is playing, The Red Shoes. It's a romantic, dramatic film about a ballerina realizing her dreams.

Normally, I don't watch films about ballet. Perhaps, it is because I'd been a ballet dancer years ago, and I miss it too much. Dancing and the theater. My past loves.

Watching someone else perform, I can almost feel the fluidity of the motions. It's like flying. It is a freedom. As though one's spirit was let out to play for that moment.

The Red Shoes has brought back memories, indeed. So much hard work. The butterflies before a show. And the pure joy after.

Ah, I do miss it. But now, there are different things keeping the heart light. The children, bike rides, music, the singing...

On it goes...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

e.t. field guide of sorts

Whilst viewing YouTube vids about the recent UK disclosure of UFO files (I do enjoy a good UFO story!), I stumbled across a book titled, E.T. 101--The Cosmic Instruction Manual! ,the apparent collaborative effort of Zoev Jho and Mission Control.

This posting is mainly for my husband, since I'd mentioned it to him, but couldn't express the book's finer points. He'll just have to find the humor in it himself.

It is also for anyone else who might enjoy a bit of weirdness with their coffee.

That's about all I've got to say on the matter.

To enjoy, click HERE.

Monday, October 20, 2008


It's been quite some time since I've used the GIMP.

Though, because Image Ready 2.0 doesn't seem to work with Windows Vista, I'm checking out some of the popular free graphic apps. At least, until I feel like forking over about $700 for Adobe Photoshop CS4.

So here it is, a spinning rock I've created with GIMP. It isn't much, I know. Surely it will take a bit of time to explore the possibilities. And, it will take a little getting over the loss of Image Ready 2.0.

Next, I think I'll try the Pencil app. :o)

finish line

Thank you BarackObamadotcom for sharing this vid.

voice of reason

Turn off background music HERE, then come back up.

Thank you BarackObamadotcom for sharing this vid.
I have always admired Colin Powell.

Much of what Powell has said recently, is what we've been saying all along. That our leader should represent all Americans, not just a narrow group. That, yes, there are even Americans who are, you guessed it, Muslim, among the many other faiths. Perhaps some conservative groups have forgotten the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, First Amendment:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Perhaps, some of our fellow Americans are simply ill-informed, as they continue to question the faith and patriotism of Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama.

Thank you NCDem for sharing this vid.

Questioning is one thing, but refusing the answer and proof given is choosing the ignorance over reason. The death-threats and hateful remarks of some members of the Republican party only serve to further divide our country.

Let us hope, in November, reason wins.

blue sky, vanilla breeze

Today, lovely.

There aren't many days like this one. The blue in the sky, deeply serene. The flavor of a cool breeze, vanilla ice cream freshly made.

For a moment, we let go of our worries. A wayward economy and angry political rants could not spoil our peace.

The children played. The innocence of their laughter, refreshing. Their sing-song voices, brighter than sunshine.

There is hope in the air. It is palpable.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

happy laptop

Finally! The new laptop is happy.

The Photoshop is installed and the plugins plugged.  I can't wait to see what oddness can be cooked up.

Hmm...  Still, it seems something is missing...

lingering spirit

The topic of the spirit-world comes up from time to time at our house.  It's a touchy subject, to be sure.  One reason might have something to do with my husband's rather terrifying past experience with spirits.  

Needless to say, the subject doesn't get brought up all that often.  One would hate to perturb those on the other side by talking about them in any ill fashion.  

But today, my eldest kiddo, who has a fascination with the paranormal, was watching an episode of Paranormal State.  After the show, the disturbed presence was asked to leave the house he'd been haunting, and a priest was brought in to pray and to, in a sense, cleanse the house.

So it got me thinking.  Many spiritual persons, be they Christian, Buddhist, or Native American medicine people, etcetera, practice similar cleansing rituals.  Similar in that they do practice them, though the details may differ somewhat.  Which "religion" is the most effective in helping one to crossover, as it were?

According to my husband, the event he witnessed required priests of a few different religions to get rid of a particularly nasty being.  So could it be that no one religion is the right one?  Perhaps, there is more than one way.

In any case, now I'm worried.  We all are going to die at some point, no doubt.  How best to avoid getting stuck someplace undesirable?  Is simply being a decent person good enough?


Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I have found nothing on this earth as sweet as joy on the face of a child. It is honest. It is the light that recharges the hope in my heart. It is pure.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

birthday babies

And so...the babies grow...

My lil man is now 2!  He is simply amazing :o)

And the 3 year old little princess...  
A lovely lady is she :o)

They often enjoy working on projects together.

Which makes Mommy, as happy as can be!

green geeks unite

Turn off background music here, then come back up.

Yes, yes... You can call me a tree-hugger if you like. And, you may disagree with many of those like me, who believe our world is in dramatic flux due to our trashing up the place.

I'm okay with that.

Perhaps, though, we could look at the climate-change argument a little differently.

Take the following vid by wonderingmind42 for example. The discussion isn't about who is right or wrong regarding climate issues. More importantly, it is about exploring the possible results for choosing to do nothing at all about global warming.

Thanks to wonderingmind42 for sharing this video.

Thursday, October 02, 2008

blue stream

sweet as a child's dream
slid the clear waters of this
a playful blue stream